Prepare to Brace! The Snowpiercer Podcast! (Episode 201)

Snowpiercer 201 Unit 11/13/19 ph: David Bukach “A Tale of Two Trains”

Welcome back to RIGHT where we left off just a few months ago, fellow passengers (both ticketed and tailie)! With Mr. Wilford’s Big Alice engine just having taken a giant chomp out of Snowpiercer’s rear-end, Andre Layton’s fledgling government and viewers alike have been on pins and needles awaiting their first glimpse of the man behind all those big Ws. When Sean Bean portrays that man, viewers form pretty gigantic expectations. Is he the savior in Ruth’s mind or the narcissist ass of Melanie’s recollections? Or somewhere in between?

Throw in his quasi-paternal relationship with Alexandra (Melanie’s daughter) and Icy Bob, and you’ve got several episodes of complications to unpack before we can get control of our train back.

In this podcast, Paul, Cat, and Inez discuss:

  • The addition of Inez, a third host on loan from our podcast for The Stand
  • Theories about Icy Bob, those creepy doctors and what might be going on behind closed door in Big Alice’s clinic
  • Mr. Wilford himself and if we got all we needed from what we saw on screen this week.
  • Unpleasant ideas about the true nature of Mr. Wilfor’s relationships with Melanie, Alexandra, and maybe Miss Audrey too

We discuss these questions and more in this weeks’ podcast! Listen, rate, review, and subscribe to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! And write in and leave us comments on, we’d love to hear from you!

More in this series

Season 1

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

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Cat: Twitter | Insta | Web

Inez: Twitter | Insta

Recorded at Pod Clubhouse Studios using Cleanfeed and edited by Paul Daley.